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Stop Making Sense

I read anything that's nailed down, or even just moving slowly. Cereal boxes, candy wrappers, all genres, etc., and I don't always have much time for arbitrary distinctions like literary fiction vs. genre fiction.

After: Nineteen Stories of Apocalypse and Dystopia

After: Nineteen Stories of Apocalypse and Dystopia - Ellen Datlow, Terri Windling, Genevieve Valentine, Carrie Ryan, N.K. Jemisin, Katherine Langrish, Carol Emshwiller, Beth Revis, Matthew Kressel, Susan Beth Pfeffer, Sarah Rees Brennan, Jeffrey Ford, Richard Bowes, Gregory Maguire, Steven Gould, Nalo Hopkinson, Jane Yolen This book has 3 big things going for it:
1. They're young adult postapocalyptic, which is rare.
2. All of the stories take place only *after* the disaster has occurred--it doesn't really matter how it happened (or even what happened).
3. There's a preponderance of female authors, for once.

As with all short-story collections, some of these are better than others. Standouts for me were the ones by Genevieve Valentine, Sarah Rees Brennan (long-time fan, here) and Cecil Castellucci.