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Stop Making Sense

I read anything that's nailed down, or even just moving slowly. Cereal boxes, candy wrappers, all genres, etc., and I don't always have much time for arbitrary distinctions like literary fiction vs. genre fiction.

Nothing Daunted: The Unexpected Education of Two Society Girls in the West

Nothing Daunted: The Unexpected Education of Two Society Girls in the West - Dorothy Wickenden Man, I am 0-for-2 this week in finishing books. I couldn't get through this one, either.

I was interested in it because the protagonists are two young women from upstate New York, and it's the true story of their going out to the frontier (in Colorado) to be schoolteachers. Unfortunately, the book is very dry in tone, with lots of telling rather than showing. The nature of the source material (letters, news stories, etc.) necessitates minimal dialog, but boy, it's intimidating to read paragraphs of infodump.

Someone else more interested in the economics, politics, and fashions of the time might have an easier time than I did. I just didn't get much of a sense of the *women* involved.